Selasa, 08 November 2011

risalah patah hati

jogja, 8 nov'11

oke, gueee nulis lagi hari inii..ini bukti klo hari ini gue emang gada kerjaan apa2 dikantorr..heuuhh..untung belum digajigajii yaa..jd gueee bukan makan gaji ini namanya istrahat romusha..hahhahaha..

Jadi gini, tiba-tiba td, temen gue dengan muka galau, mata sayu, kepala tertunduk, senyum kecut, berbicara lirih ke gue : "iya mbak, ak broke up ". Terus dy nyetel lagunya usher- separated.
Waduuhhhh..ini g bs didiemin aja..masa depan nya bisa rusak klo dy terlalu patah hati, terus ogah2an mandi..mana ada yang mau nrima dy kerja klo baunya kyk kambing g pernah mandi..iya kan?gue harus bertindak!!
Jadi, gue memutuskan menghiburnya..gue mau ajak dy nnti makan siang yang enak, terus gue suruh anter2 ambil fotokopian sama anter surat..*itu emang namanya memanfaatkankeadaan dengan cerdas* hahhahaha...tapi niat gue baik..biar dy lupa kegundahan hatinya..

Guys, i think everyone had experienced it..broken heart.. Dan semua orang punya mekanisme sendiri buat  mengatasi rasa sakitnya. Gada yang bilang patah hati itu mudah dilalui, ga semua orang tahan. Beberapa berakhir dengan indah (punya pacar baru terus langsung nikah, gara2 males sakit hati lagi), beberapa ada yang berakhir pilu, sampai nyawa taruhannya ( for this, i really ever know about it :( ). Itu mungkin yang org bilang cinta mati..cinta sampai mati..mati aja sono sendiri, sementara si mantan dapet gebetan baru..mungkin kisah kayak gini berakhir jadi film mantan diikutin hantunya,..yang main film jupe ma DP..terus jambak2an seksi biar diliatin'udzubillah..

Karena gue sangat perduli masalah kyk gini (emg dasar org kagak ada kerjaan), jd gue kasih beberapa tips buat mengatasi patah hati, ini my true inspiration..jd kalian tenang aja..sama skali g evidence based.. :)

  1. kalau udah tercium bau-bau perpisahan, berfikirlah realistis!siapkan diri anda..coba selesaikan klo memang perpisahan tampaknya lebih baik, berikan banyak pikiran positif pada diri anda..lebih baik diakhiri sebagai pacar drpd diakhiri dengan perceraian.. :)
  2. cari kesibukan yang digemari. Olahraga, shopping, traveling,eating.. Everything that makes you feel happy! :)
  3. Curhatlah!(lumayan bikin enteng hati), ingat, semua jomblo di dunia ini BERSAUDARA!apalagi jomblo newbie..lo ga sendiri! :D
  4. jangan pernah berfikir lari dari masalah..apalagi melupakannya pake hal2 yang g bener..jangan terus mabok2an, g makan, g tidur, pesta tiap malam, ngrokok banyak bgt..intinya hati dah sakit, jangan bikin badan sakit jg..oke? Masalah itu buat dihadapi, buat kita makin kuat dan dewasa.. Be strong, guys!
  5. Banyak berdoa dan beribadah.. Semua itu datangnya dari Allah SWT, baik itu rejeki, cobaan,jadi kalo kalian merasa g mampu, berdoalah, curhat sama Allah SWT, pasti dibantu.. :) :)
  6. Banyak-banyaklah tidur kalo kalian g bisa mengatasi perasaan dalam keadaan terjaga..:p 
  7. kalo cara diatas g mempan jugaaa... hm,, ini beberapa org bilang jahat, tp beberapa org membutuhkannya..cara paling baik melupakan seseorang adalah dengan orang lain..jd segeralah cari pengganti.. :D ( come on guys, be realistic..everyone needs friend to face the toughest time like this).
Yah emang apa yang gue sebutin di atas g segampang itu dilakuin. Tapi at least, you've done ur best to fix ur heart and pray to Allah for the rest. Cheers! :*

"God would not give you right one for now 
because he knows you can do wrong and loose him forever…
He wants you to meet at least one wrong person, 
just to know how to treat the right one.!!"

(ini gue dapet dr hasil googling pake keyword : quote broken heart..hahhhaa)


random-part 1

Jogja, 8 Nov'2011

Location: Instalasi Tulip RSUP dr.Sardjito
Time : 09.14
Activities: blogging, listening to Adelaide sky-aditya sofyan, dringking ice milo

Hm,, seems like today i'll have nothing to do in this office..*yawn*

PS: mr.chocolate get well soon... :*


Minggu, 06 November 2011

kebosanan melanda

banjarnegara, 6 nov 2011

helloo there!today is idul adha day!!horee...happy eid everybody! :*
usually, when idul adha, i will go to mosque near my house. But, today, i'm stuck in banjarnegara, and doing nothing.. :( boring..
Someone, pls pick me up and send me to jogja...i miss my family and my moms satay,tongseng..nyaammm...


Kamis, 03 November 2011

mr.chocolate :)

Guys, it's been a while since i wrote my last post here's quite difficult for me to keep consistent blogging every day since I have a lot of works to do. Have I told you before that I have to work in 2 different places in a week? Every monday-thursday, I worked in sardjito hospital as a research "secretary" assistant, than on thursday-sunday, i have to move on to Banjarnegara city (3-4 hours driving from jogja city), to fulfill my obligation as a new general practitioner in Indonesia (as i told you before, i called it a conscription..hoofftt). Soooo,,yes, in thursday, I'm working in 2 places..without a break..
-_____-" what the... hahahahhaa..but, i do enjoying it! pray for my healthiness and happiness.. :D

Hm, today i wanna talk about my mr.chocolate because i miss him sooo much. He turned into "bang toyib" ( one of Indonesian favorite should googling it if you haven't heard it :D). It's already 2 months since he moved to colonge, germany. And, i never talk about him for you guys, rite?

lets call him mr.chocolate

yeaahh,,i thought he obsessed to be a superman..hahahaha :D

hm,,i knew him 4 years ago in a blind date via yahoo messanger..wkwkwkwkwkk..yeah, blind date, in mr.burger, on 2007 ( unfortunately, i forgot the date and month :( ) On that day, I logged in my yahoo messager account, and he chatted me, introduced him self. After 'chitchat' for many times, i knew that he is my friends friend, so, when he asked me to meet up, i agreed.. :D we agreed to meet up at mr.burger that afternoon, before i went play tennis with my HTS (hubungan tanpa status-red)..hahahhahahaa..player.. :p
I wore a sport suit while he wore a casual shirt and brown pants. You should see my outfits that day, very horrible for a blind date..hahhahaha..not a beautiful girl at all. Normally, as a girl, you will wear a dress or something more appropriate than just a dingy t-shirt, sport pants, and sport shoes, and than you should make a hair do instead of hairband :D
We met, and "chitchat" while ate our beef burger. I didn't think that he flirted on me that day (because of my outfit) hahahhahaha. And our first met ended after we finished our dish and I had to play tennis.

Our second met was approximately 2 or 3 months after that, still in 2007. He asked me to meet up, and i suggested to watch a movie in 21 (unfortunately,again, i forgot the movie :( ). After watched movie, we finished that day with a sweet lunch at bee's.

Our third met was on March, 2011. Suddenly, when i logged in my facebook account, he chatted me. We agreed to met up again on the day after that. He will picked me up from real english ( some kind of institution to study english). Great! I wouldn't make a same mistakes by wearing a horrible outfits :p So, I wore my favorite white t-shirt,jeans, and my favorite white crocs shoes plus my grey mickey mouse cardigan :) :)
I remembered, it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He arrived at the real english. He looked..handsome? :D (i bet you're smiling right now, mr.chocolate :p) He wore exactly the same outfits with me!!what a surprise! (hm, actually, besides the shoes..he wasn't wear crocs shoes,but he wore a white sneakers :D so, let's deal that we have the same outfits on that day!okay? :D ) We went to Phuket Thailand Restaurant to have our lunch. He had a stomach ache so he wasn't eat much :( , while I ate too much..hahahahhaha.. And that's it. We finished our lunch, he drove me to my friend dorm and back home.

After that met, he always calling or texting me..weird..hahahha..but, i enjoy it. A bit disturbing actually, but it's okay.. :D Until one day, he texted me something weird. (sorry, it's secret) and i didn't reply it.. :p
The day after that (on April 23,2011) he texted me again. He told me that he on his way to banjarnegara. Really weird!suddenly, he came to banjarnegara. Hm, i finished my job that day as soon as possible and waited in emergency room. It was raining that afternoon. My heart,actually, beat faster..hahhahahhaa.. (i know you smiling louder now mr.chocolate! :p). I have waited for an hour and mr.chocolate still not arrived. So, I decided to wait him in my dorm. 30 minutes after that, he texted me that he already in Banjarnegara hospital. The rain got more heavy. I picked up my cute pink umbrella, than went to hospital to meet him.

He wore a white shirt and jeans. He looked nervous and wet :( (because of the rain :( ). I sat beside him, my heart beat faster and faster..oh god! hahhahaha.. He smiled at me and gave me a bird-shaped paper folding. He asked me to read the letter he wrote inside that bird-shaped paper folding. Okay, my heart beat faster and faster and faster, feels like they want to jump out of my chest. GOD! (you smiling again..heuuu) okay, I opened it and read it..And it was true..he asked to know..hehhee.. the detailed was secret :D but, i wouldn't answer it that made a dramatical effect in your,hmm.our history..hahhahaa.. After that sweet moment, we went out to dinner with his friends..hmm,,4 friends accompanied him to banjarnegara to "katakan cinta" moment..hahhaha..we ate mie ongklok. You should delicious! :D

Back to our romance..2 days after that sweet moment, i went back to jogja. And i answered him with YES!horeee..hohohoo...I introduced him  to my parents, and they gave us a license to dating..hahahhahaa...thank dad,mom.. :*

And here we go now, dating and pray to marry soon as possible.. :p wish us luck,guys!

PS: mr.chocolate, pls come back indonesia soon..IMU :D :D

jogja, November 3, 2011